Leader Guide

Get ready to bring your group to camp for the best week of the summer!


Group Info Form- Live starting March 25th. **One form per group is required for all groups. Group Info Forms are where you’ll share meal shift preferences, early arrival status, accessibility needs, and your group total. Regardless of changes (whether you need to drop a few spots or have the number you need), you must submit the form below informing us of the total number of spots for which you agree to pay. You'll need to drop spots you won't need by April 15th in order to not be on the hook for the remaining balance for them. If you drop any spots after this deadline, you still must pay for those spots in full!

Golf Cart Application- This is the form you’ll fill out by May 15th if you want to request a golf cart. Carts are assigned on an as-needed basis. Medical needs or disabilities will be served first. If a request is submitted after May 15th, please understand all golf carts available to us for the summer may already be claimed.

Group Change Form- Live starting March 15th. We ask that you submit our Group Change Form for any changes to your group total/breakdown (be gender and students vs. leaders) after you’ve submitted a Group Info Form. This will notify our Housing Team of changes that need to be made.


Check out our Registration FAQs for how-to videos as well as the guides provided below.

Two people hugging in a crowded room with the text "DEVOS" overlaid.

Share our Event Guide with all your campers!