2025 Summer Camp
Week 3: June 30-July 4
Registration Pause

This is a bummer, but due to this week currently being at capacity, we are unable to allow any new registrations at this time. If this is the only week you are able to come to Crossroads, please submit your information below in order to be placed on the waitlist. A Crossroads Rep will reach out to groups as space becomes available in the order they were received!

If you’ve already registered for this week and are looking to add spots, feel free to submit the number you’d like to add below and we will be in touch! If you’re looking to drop spots, please remember to drop any unneeded spots BY April 15th so you aren’t held to paying the remaining balance of any unused spots on June 1st. However, if you already know you won’t be needing all the spots you’ve registered, please let us know TODAY!