Crossroads Summer Camp is so excited to introduce this incredibly helpful tool for you to use while your student is away at camp! Waldo Photos is an online gallery that specializes in facial recognition so you can receive real-time updates of what your student is experiencing at CRSC23!

See below for more information as well a link to the gallery where you can select your students week of camp.

For Leaders Only:
Have a student that should not be photographed? You can share a selfie of that student with and Waldo will prevent any photos of your student from being shared online.

How does it work?
Download the Waldo app on any Apple or Android device. We will create a gallery for each week of CRSC that holds every photo from the week! If you choose, you can input your information and upload a photo of your student. Waldo will automatically detect photos of them throughout the week and notify you so that you can get a glimpse of all the fun they're having!

Is it free?
In short, yes! You will be able to access all photos from the week in a public album. If you want to utilize facial recognition and be updated when we have taken a photo of your student, you will have the option of a 7-day free trial or paying $5 for 1 month! Secret hack: register your child's photo on Monday morning and cancel your subscription the following Sunday! This way, you will receive notifications throughout the week, but still have access to the entire album for the rest of the Summer at no cost!

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