Biltmore Training

  • If you aren’t here for the kids, go home. 

  • Rules still apply this week.  Be on time, don’t drop your guard. 

  • Don’t stay in Dorms with students Past Curfew. They are very intentional (Zack and Savannah) about protecting this time. Even if a leader thinks its ok that you’re with, their supervisor doesn’t (and neither do we).

  • Don’t compare. Completely different when we are serving one church.  Positive or Negative

  • Don’t make assumptions based on previous years or one kid you met (“They are all destructive, they are all rude, leaders don’t listen, etc”)

  • Don’t push people away, don’t start believing lies, don’t process early and start getting down.   

  • Something may not work as planned. AU may forget something with all the schedule changes. We may drop the ball as well. Let’s adapt and work together quickly to find resolution.

Important Links

*Note: Meal Shifts are different. Staff still eat when you can:

Mon Breakfast: 8-9 am
Mon Lunch: 12-1 pm

Registration (Matt/Cliff)

  • Buses will pull in from Campus Safety (Flag Waver there and top of Library) 

  • The plan is that each bus will have colored signs on their windshield to help signify which dorms they are going to (ie - Brevard is in Rouse and Denmark and has an orange and yellow sign in their windshield… this may not be exact- we will explain exactly once they send the plan)

  • Dorms with 2 dorm points will be at the dorms. Dorm Points with only 1 dorm point will ask 1 additional dorm time staffer to join them for check in.  The rest will be in Henderson Front Loop

  • As buses pull in, we will have Matt and Cliff *methodically and not chaotically or rushed* walk on to each bus to confirm the dorms and ask a male and female to hop on that bus to take them to their dorms. 

  • You guys will essentially line up like little ducklings and follow behind cliff and matt and jump on. 

  • We will try to get you on the bus correlating to the dorm that you are going to be serving in, but it may not be perfect.

Activity Overview (Cliff)

SQUAD WALK (10 staff with flags to direct from campus breakouts to the Intramural field)

  1. Faith Sparks - Henderson Crosswalk

  2. Kelsey Roth - Back Side of Admissions Building

  3. Zach Watson - CRSC Quad

  4. Bethany Sackrider - Corner of Campus

  5. Gabrielle Bishoff - Stringer Entrance

  6. Tess Lakin - Stringer Exit

  7. Levi Hardeman - Stop Light at Plez U

  8. William Schmidheini - Pool Parking Area

  9. Emmett Lenderman  - CCC

  10. Kourtney McKay - Entrance to Gate

SQUAD WARS 11AM - 1PM (Late Night Teams) 


Overall Schedule - Biltmore

  • Everyone will be given new schedules for Week 6. Memorize new schedule. New Schedules

  • We will scale down and utilize staff that aren’t on an activity for “above and beyond” projects during activity time. Be flexible to jump in wherever needed.


  • ✅ Clean and prepare all storage closets 

  • ✅ Deep clean and prep office for regular life

  • ✅ Missions Inquiry follow ups

  • ✅ Final Marketing Push prep for Staff

  • ✅ AU thank you and community thank you

  • ✅ Epic Tear Down Tuesday after Squad War

No Location Changes


  • Shuttle 1  running 10:45am - 5:00pm

  • Shuttles 2-3 running 1:30pm - 5:00pm

    • Junior Staff are running shuttle stop 2 from 10:40am-11:00am


Welcome Service (same) Bailey

  • Staff Intro / Rules 

  • 9:15am Morning Services - brief start to day (15 minutes only) - still will have production.

    • Everyone BUT Squad Wars for that day will sit in until Campus Breakouts for Quiet Time - scatter among students 

10:00am Campus Breakout

  • Staff Assigned to Campus Breakouts to welcome students on the schedule

Evening Services

  • Response Times - be flexible if pulled to help facilitate if they bring students that make a decision out of the room.

  • No Compassion or Love Offering this week.

  • Chores the same

  • Boiler Room

  • Keep all students pushed all the way to the front 

    • Possibly Tape off seats if needed. 

Biltmore Speaking Schedule

  • Monday: Clayton King

  • Tuesday: Bruce Frank

  • Wednesday: Clayton King

  • Thursday: Jason Gaston (split night / explain!)

Thursday Breakouts: Locations & Hosts

Chores/Late Nights

  • Chores Remain Loosely the Same. Chore Leaders will send updated schedule. 

  • Boiler Room Teams

  • No Late Night Games Open. 

  • JR Staff will do final sweep of Henderson side of campus before dorms!

  • Late Night Games on Thursday though (unlike our usual rhythm) - we will set it up but not be required to man it during out meeting. 

  • If you are on Late Night - we’d still like for you to help have a presence during Connect Groups. 

  • Retail is “kind of open”.

Dorm Time

  • Same, More Staff for each room. Spread Out

  • Your assignments (linked here)

  • Late Night will have 2 people staying until 11pm since lights out is so early. Floating the halls / encouraging lights out and staying in rooms.


  • Wednesday Night Meeting + Thursday Meeting

  • Tear Down Thursday - Detailed assignments coming soon!

  • Friday Retreat - Pool at Kings

  • Saturday Dismissal - Office - if raining, Henderson Lobby

  • EVALUATIONS - Show Progress to Matt / Jillian tonight.